Two weeks ago today I brought a very tired, disoriented, and sick Tobster for his last trip to see Dr. Carol. It was much harder to do than I thought it would be, considering I so often wished the pup would go to heaven (or stop peeing and pooping on things, but he never took that option.) He was as tough dog to care for, but not tough to love. Through diagnoses of diabetes, Addisons, Lyme, blindness, deafness, and finally vestibular disease, the little guy kept his tail in the air and wagged his "happy meter" up until two days before I had to make that most awful of decisions. Feelings akin to having your heart squeezed tightly and ripped out of your body accompany such a loss, and I can only hope that my little wayward pup is in heaven, going potty where ever he wants to go, and no one chasing after him with a mop. Even better, I hope his spirit doesn't feel the need to do that much potty to begin with! Toby was the canine baby, the one who pushed himself ahead of the others for treats and snuggles, and there is an eerie quietness in the house now. Will take some time to get used to the normalcy of living again without all he brought to the table, for almost twelve years. Rest in peace, my baby pug. You are so missed already.
Onward to a day that promises a heat index of 100 degrees. Which means, 110 in the upper floors of the school. Can you say brutal? I envision kids melting, whining, and not really wanting to do anything. Not that at this time of year they have a lot to do,but's going to be dangerously hot.
But then tomorrow will come, the 8th graders with "graduate" our school, and Wednesday another school year will be almost complete. I say almost as there are a million things on my to-do list that need doing over the next two months. Lots and lots of filing, organizing, and undoing from the past 180+days.
And then there is art!
Sorry to those who have emailed me about upcoming summer classes -- I've started planning them out and will have them online this week. My Tuesday adult group will be continuing fabric books, and I plan to offer another shorter class featuring canvas collage on Thursdays, as well as two middle school week long workshops. It's going to be a busy summer!
Also, I will be starting the first module of a textile art course through the School of Stitched Textiles...going to be a challenge, but a good one. Stay tuned..
The coffee is done, the bunny has gone back under the barn, and the parrots are yelling for toast. Better get a move on. Cheers.